Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Truth about Fat Camps - Interview with Colleen from Camp La Jolla in CA

The following is an interview with an employee Colleen of Camp La Jolla, a camp mainly for young adults who want to lose weight and become healthier people located in California.

What would you describe Camp La Jolla's purpose as?

Camp La Jolla is a health, fitness, and weight loss program which creates successful people by providing the fundamental tools for lifestyle change.

Considering Camp La Jolla's standards, what is overweight? Is there acertain weight for a certain height? How would you determine if someone is obese?

Overweight for children is defined as being above the 85th percentile for height vs weight, where obese is defined as being above the 95th percentile for height and weight. We use the standard growth charts that are available in every pediatrician's office as reference, and they can be used to help track progress, but it is not a criterion for admittance into our program. For our adult population, we refer to a BMI chart as a guide and to help them track their progress.

What aspects of life are altered when teens come to Camp La Jolla?

The main areas are increased self confidence, the ability to set and achieve goals, the ability to create and maintain positive relationships, and taking consistent action to create and maintain well being in their lives after they return home from camp.

What do you change most about a teen's diet upon arrival at camp?

The biggest change is not the type of food, but the quantity. We offer a variety of foods that can be see in restaurants, schools, homes,etc... The problem that many individuals, not just those that are struggling with weight, is the amount of food we eat. Even if the food is healthier choice, if too much is eaten you can gain weight.

When teens leave Camp La Jolla, what do they come away with? Do the effects of your camp last?

When teens leave Camp La Jolla they have an understanding of nutrition (portion control and healthy food choices),as well as behavior modification (do I eat when I am hungry, lonely,bored, angry, etc.). They also have an understanding of how behavior modification, nutrition, and exercise are all apart of a healthy lifestyle change. They have the support of family and friends when they return home which also implement the healthy habits they learned at camp for long term weight loss success.

What do you feel is the best option for teens when dieting? Do you consider surgery an option?

The best option for teens and for everyone striving to be healthier and/or to lose weight is to be sensible and realistic about their goals.We recommend focusing on making small changes in their day, choosing a healthier path. For example, if you are used to taking the escalator at the mall, try taking the stairs for a change. In terms of food, individuals should strive to incorporate all of the major food groups into their meal plan. There is no such thing as a"bad" food, and we focus on moderation as the key. It is okay to have your favorite foods, whether it is chips or chocolate cake, as long as it is in portion control AND it isn't an everyday occurrence. Eating a balance of foods focusing on fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is the way to a healthier meal plan.

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